Weres and Shifters in Hyde

Weres and Shifters in Hyde (Info about Weres in the Moonlit Memories series can be found here)

The Hyde Chronicles deals with multiple dimensions that can interact and overlap in specific locations. Violet, our protagonist, is from dimension 13A. Humans in general are really only going to be found in the twelves and thirteens. Maybe elevens and fourteens, but not further than that. The closer any two dimensions are, the more similar they are. The further apart they are, the more different. A human might not even survive being suddenly transported to dimension 6B for example. Certain locations are in more than one dimension. Shifters and Weres closely share human tolerances and dimensional ranges. Shifters are more likely to be in the twelves or 13A, while Weres are typically found in 13B to 14C. If one of those three can survive a dimension, any of them can, but that does not mean they will be there.


What is a Were? Can this be passed on or turn a non-Were?

A Were is a sentient who usually looks like a human but who shares characteristics with an animal. Under the right conditions, they change into their animal. The vast majority of Weres are born Weres, but under the right circumstances, a human can be turned. This must be a voluntary process, both because of ethics and practicality. It takes over a month to turn a human, and if something goes wrong, the human is terribly maimed and mutilated for life. While a bite starts the process, there are several more steps. The exact method of transforming a human into a Were is a closely guarded secret, only revealed if a human appeals to the ruling body of the Were community they wish to join and their request is granted. Even most Weres don’t know the exact method. If a human is bitten and no further steps are undertaken then the bite is of about as much consequence as being bitten by a wild animal. Stitches may be needed and keep it clean to prevent infection. Likely to scar, but then again, so does any bad bite.

Please note that this applies to humans. Most other non-Were species, such as vampires, shifters, yetis, etc. can’t be changed to Weres.

How does the moon play in?

Weres change at full moon. They always change at full moon, and cannot change at any other time unless there is other interference, such as magic. Why? Were scientists and philosophers are still debating that. Favored theories include being touched by a Moon deity, lunar gravity, and magic.

What happens when a Were transforms?

A Were turns into a form that is a hybrid of human and their animal. A transformed Were is more aggressive than one that is not in animal state, and likely to attack any they don’t recognize as being part of their group or pack. In an all-Were community, there really isn’t much danger, and the Weres run free and hunt that night. In a mixed community, Weres isolate themselves or take an herb named zealopor which causes them to sleep through the night. It is deadly to approach a transformed Were unless you are another Were from their pack. With the exception of children, Weres will almost never deliberately harm a child regardless of species.

Are Weres Magical?

Magic exists in this world, but Weres are not considered magical at all. No Were has the ability to use magic, though some can smell it.

What does a baby Were look like? When do Weres change for the first time?

Weres in this universe do not have in between states so they look human when they aren’t in animal form. Weres in this world change for the first time when they are approximately ten to twelve.

What does silver do? Why?

Silver does repel a Were, but it doesn’t cause physical harm to them. An angered or enraged Were might even ignore the discomfort. When not in animal form, Weres tend to avoid silver, but no coherent answers have been given as to why. Most simply say that they just don’t like it. While a Were is highly likely to avoid someone wielding silver weapons, said weapons are no more dangerous to them than any others.

Are Weres stronger, faster, or heal better than humans?

Yes, to all the above and to a more noticeable amount than the Weres in the Moonlit Memories series. That said, they still aren’t likely to be racing cars or uprooting trees. Of the many races that attend Hyde University, Weres would not particularly stand out in any of those qualities.

Can a Were go to a regular hospital?

Depends on how open that dimension is. In 13A, a shade dimension, then it wouldn’t take long for doctors to realize that something odd is going on. That said, not all dimensions are shade dimensions and some places wouldn’t blink an eye at a Were in a hospital.

Can Weres have children with humans? How about with a different species of Were?

Yes, with humans. Children are likely to be Weres, but no guarantee. With other Weres, not as likely. Like with Moonlit Memories, attraction is based on scent. A Werebear simply isn’t going to be attracted to a Werelion.

How do their senses work?

Unlike Moonlit Memories, a Were’s senses are pretty close to human unless they are in animal form. Not exclusively, sense of smell and hearing are sharper than average, but even among humans you can find the exceptional individual who can equal or surpass your average Were. When in animal form, their sense are closer to their respective animal form.

Does being a Were affect their diet?

Weres frequently prefer a more meat-heavy diet, and that meat will likely be on the rarer side when practical. Allergies vary from individual but there aren’t sweeping generalizations like ‘All Weres should avoid chocolate.’

Can a Were catch rabies?

Yes, but most aren’t particularly concerned about that. If they roam in the wild a lot, or there’s a rabies outbreak, they’ll be more careful. Some arrange regular rabies vaccines, other’s worry more about different diseases that are more prevalent in other dimensions.

Does transforming hurt? Can transforming kill a Were?

Transforming is painful, every time. But it isn’t the excruciating agony of the early changes of a Moonlit Memories Were. Instead, it’s more like moderate cramps. Transforming itself takes only a minute or two but leaves the Were achy and sore for up to two days afterwards. It is also exhausting, which some consider even worse. Weres generally have high pain tolerances, and while few look forward to their transformation, few dread it either. Transforming isn’t going to cause damage to a Were unless they were in imminent danger of bleeding to death.

Weres and shifters are sometimes mistaken for each other, especially to the uninitiated. This is a good way to make enemies of both sides, so here’s what you need to know about Shifters!

I would be happy to answer other questions about Weres and Shifters or other elements of my books! Just leave a comment or email me at hjhardingbooks@gmail.com.