Shifters in Hyde

Shifters and Weres hate being mistaken for each other, and there is a minor tension or animosity common when the groups interact. Not every individual feels that way, and even many that do are fine with individuals even if they aren’t fond of the other as a group. At Hyde, of course, they are required to at least try to get along, so this is rarely a big deal. Many who are neither Were nor Shifter don’t understand what the big deal is.

As Shifters are not Weres, not all the previous questions apply, but I’ll do my best to answer what questions you may have.


What is a Shifter? Can this be passed on or turn a non-Shifter?

A Shifter is a sentient capable of turning into a particular animal. What animal that will be is unknown until the first shift which usually happens between ages three and six. As a general rule of thumb, the larger the animal one turns into, the later the first change. Any non-aquatic, non-magical animal that lives in their dimension is a possibility, not just mammals like Weres. This could be as small as an insect or as big as an Elephant. No long extinct animals though. Related Shifters are no more likely to turn to the same or even similar animals than any other randomly selected Shifters, with the exception of identical twins.

Shifting is a purely genetic trait that can in no way be passed on to a non-Shifter, though a Shifter marrying a human or other non-Shifter has a better than even chance of passing on the Shifting gene. (About 60-80%)

What happens when a Shifter transforms?

Like the Weres in this universe (Unlike the Moonlit Memories Weres), Shifters have no transitional stages. They are human or animal. They can do this at almost any time. Shifting does take energy, so it isn’t something the average Shifter will do more than three or so times in a day without a good reason. Five or more times will probably lead to exhaustion. However, many Shifters do enjoy advantages to each form and don’t hesitate to switch between if it would be useful or even just fun.

A Shifter in animal form will not be easily discerned as not being a normal animal by the uninitiated, though most Shifters will share a few physical characteristics with their animal, such as eye color, hair color, general build, etc. This is not a guarantee though.

Shifters remember everything in each form and will generally not get distracted by animal instincts when they are focused. When they aren’t focused on something else… Well, more than a few have instinctively jumped at a laser pointer or moving ball, etc. However, they will also remember who decided to take advantage of them like that.

On rare occasions, a Shifter may find themselves stuck and unable to transform. This situation usually lasts a few hours, though a couple days isn’t unheard of. If it lasts more than half a week, something is seriously wrong, and the Shifter is strongly urged to seek immediate medical attention. No one knows what makes a Shifter get stuck, which can happen in either form. While almost every Shifter goes through it a few times in their life, it is considered highly embarrassing, and most try to hide their condition until it passes.

Are Shifters Magical?

No, Shifters cannot do magic. However, most Shifters can sense magic is some form or other. Some see a glow or tinge, some can smell it, others may hear a subtle tone, etc. This does not usually give them much information about the magic, as there is a lot of different kinds of magic and many types of beings that can use magic.

Interestingly enough, Shifters are more prone to being psychic than many races. It is estimated that somewhere between ten and fifteen percent of female Shifters have some psychic abilities, and five to eight percent of male Shifters. There are many different types of psychics, and we see a few in the books, so I won’t go into it here.

Are Shifters stronger, faster, or heal better than humans?

That varies. All Shifters heal a little faster and better than humans, and are a little less likely to scar. Many have faster reflexes. But a lot of it depends on what they shift into. A sloth Shifter, for example, will probably be slower and weaker than a human of similar size and fitness level. An elephant Shifter, on the other hand, is not someone to get into a strength contest with. Nor would I recommend going into a footrace with a cheetah or gazelle Shifter.

Can a Shifter go to a regular hospital?

For the most part, yes. Most surface results are going to be similar to human or within the range of error, that unless the doctor is really looking for something, even in a shade dimension, they can pass, say, a basic physical. But for in-depth results, especially with blood, there are enough oddities that Shifters are better off going to a hospital that is in the know.

How do their senses work?

Mostly their senses are close to human, usually with the strongest sense of their animal form especially prominent in human form. For example, a hawk Shifter will probably have especially good eyesight, while a wolf Shifter would have a very good sense of smell. In animal form, their senses are in the same range as their animal counterparts.

Does being a Shifter affect their diet?

Not as much as one might think. Most Shifters have wide ranges of food they will eat, in either form. Food allergies aren’t common, but they aren’t unheard of either. If anything, many Shifters have a reputation for being willing to try almost anything.

Can a Shifter catch rabies?

Most Shifters assume that they can’t catch any disease unless both their forms can. This isn’t completely accurate, but it is a good rule of thumb. Shifters seldom get ill, and rarely show much concern unless a particular disease is deadly to one or both forms.

Does transforming hurt? Can transforming kill a Shifter?

Transforming doesn’t hurt unless the Shifter is injured. Then it can hurt a lot. Transforming with a serious injury also risks making the injury worse, bigger or deeper or both. That also increases the odds of getting stuck. Unless a Shifter is partway to being eviscerated, transforming is highly unlikely to kill them.

So, that’s Shifters. Thank you for your patience. Please, if you have any questions, leave a comment or email me at I would love to answer your questions!